Theda Muller

Creditors, Debtors, 3 months until the end of UAE's ‘Year of Giving’…

Creditors, Debtors, 3 months countdown to the end of ‘The Year of Giving’ in the UAE…

However much I am aware that creditors are operating a business and not a charity, but still not giving as much as they can when dealing with debtors pleading for help and many debtors are still not willing to come forward, reach out and give of themselves to clear their debt slate, the time has come to turn the tables and make a difference that will affect everyone.

This is how Creditors and external Collection / Remedial Agencies can actively participate to positively contribute:

• Ongoing Demands - stop just demanding from inception of being approached by the debtor, take a few steps back to ascertain the realistic situation and if you can recoup your organizations assets, whilst simultaneously assisting a debtor into a sustainable situation, then show that act of kindness as it is needed;

• Replacing bad with good - Put your bad thoughts, intentions, frustrations and most times anger far away from the current situation and find the most workable solution, because that for sure is giving back;

• Play your part in giving back - You are not immune to a debt crisis and just maybe when you are seated on the other side of the table one day, you would expect your creditor to ‘give back’, show empathy and help you when you ask for help from your heart, just like your debtor is doing right now;

• If you are not the key decision-maker - but you feel the need to assist the debtor, then follow your heart, do the right thing and help, because that’s all the debtor who has taken responsibility wants, to be seen, heard and their story reviewed with possible approval.

Not everyone is in a self-inflicted situation, some debtors have unexpectedly lost their jobs, others have had salary reductions, so you cannot just judge and possibly ignore the emotion of wanting to help, because this is a way of ‘giving back’.

• There are exceptions to any rule - most of which are based on humane factors and in this line of work many cases hold that sentiment, just some creditors choose to ignore it and are not willing to go the extra mile, when they are aware that there are possibilities.

I am asking you to try your very best, because sometimes that distinguishes you from the rest, where giving means you have embraced the Law of Reciprocation, so something good must come back to you.

• Don’ t just view your jobs as jobs -  you have targets and deadlines and have resigned yourself to act negatively the way many creditors do, for these reasons, by justifying your actions with bad forms of debtor treatment, simply because you assume that it’s acceptable.

Well it’s not and its unacceptable in many cases. Sometimes you are placed in a job, afforded an opportunity to make a difference, but if you are not focused and operating from your heart, you will lose the plot and miss the opportunities that were forecasted for you.

Most of us can work with humans in difficult situations, but many choose not to be kind, reach out and touch a life and give back, because you are too busy pointing fingers at debtors. So I challenge you to try and give back just for one day and then write to me of your experience.
When you are consistent in giving and you see the results, you will not stop giving.

• It’s not just about the money – when you give back and show kindness to debtors who deserve it, then money will come without you even asking. It’s not about pushing for money, it is about the acts you perform to manifest the money you are seeking to achieve.

If you review your negative actions against debtors right now for the past quarter and even if you think you did nothing wrong, as a human, you must feel from within that you did not treat some debtors fairly, then I will ask you to make it right, reach out and give back of your own kindness to rectify the wrongs as it will come back to you.

This is how Debtors can actively participate to positively contribute:

• Whether you are in or out of the country - realize you took the money so it is your duty to return it, even over time but it is the right move to make.

Wherever you are located, you have money to rectify your bad decisions, then step forward, repay what you were granted as it is your duty, without exception and if you don’t wish to contact your creditors, then contact me, as I know this is a huge emotional fear factor with debtors, but do it anyway, because you must ‘give back’, as it was not given to you as a charity donation.

• You can heal your life – Small word with an enormous significance where it starts with taking the first step in the right direction to start healing your life, no 1 by paying your dues and facing your creditors and taking ownership and responsibility, not seated somewhere too scared to face anyone, take any calls or even speak with anyone, because that is a bad way to exist.

It is not good for well-being and any form of prosperity you can have in the future.

• Complete this year with positivity – This is the final 3months to the end of the ‘Year of Giving’, so taking the step forward means you actively participating in giving back this year, not just for yourself, but also to your creditors, where this process will fully prepare you to welcome the new 2018 New Year and embrace it as your ‘personal year of transformation!’

• Do the right thing – forget about the people, focus on yourself, your own well-being, personal transformation and progress in the future.

Stop asking many people around you for the best solution when most of the time you are asking people who have not been there, so how can they give you the assurety of your caliber of advice?

Yet you have been willing to take it, put it to the test and the core reason you have stagnated and not progressed one inch! Think about it?

• The true essence of Giving – Means you don’t look back, you don’t expect anything in return when you do or when you give, but you will know in your heart it was the right decision to make and so by the same token, it will start going well with you, just because you opened your heart and hand and willing to give of yourself to set the record straight and start living the life you were meant to live.

Maybe I hit a few home runs here, or maybe I didn’t, but it’s irrelevant, because the people who fully comprehend the gist of this article today, will know that giving is the most powerful token that have made many super wealthy and successful from zero.

Nothing is impossible when you have a change of heart whilst dealing with humans, especially when they are in dire need and asking for help from their heart and are sincere to fulfil their obligations.

The worse kind of human is the one who thrives on other people’s misery and if they truly look back on their lives, they will see it did not go as well as planned.

Let’s celebrate these final 3 months of Giving and tell our good stories at the end of the term,


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