Source: Consumer Reports

iPhone 5 ranked worst among top smartphones – and Samsung Galaxy S4 isn’t even here yet

Apple says it is the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.

Many disagree, it seems.

Of course, commercially, iPhone 5, Apple’s latest smartphone, is a runaway success. It’s sold millions in the first few days of its launch in countries as far and wide as the US, Australia, China, India and the UAE.

However, competition is fast catching up – in fact, according to latest stats and consumer feedback (two very different things, mind you), the iPhone 5 has been relegated to an also-ran status.

How the mighty have fallen. Apple’s iPhone has been ranked the “best smartphone” for the last five years. This year, despite the launch of the bestest ever iPhone (to paraphrase Apple), it barely makes the cut.

The highly regarded Consumer Reports’ list ranks the iPhone 5 as the lowest of the top smartphones.

According to the yet-to-be-published report, the iPhone 5 ranks in the bottom of the top three smartphones for carriers AT&T and Sprint, but does not even make the top 3 list for another two carriers, T-Mobile and Verizon. It received a total score of 77 for AT&T and 75 for Sprint.

So which smartphones are ranked above the iPhone 5? They’ll be the LG Optimus G (No. 1 for AT&T and Sprint), Samsung Galaxy S III (No. 1 for T Mobile, No. 2 for AT&T and Sprint, No. 3 for Verizon),and  HTC One S (No. 2 for T Mobile).
This is as clear a sign as ever for Apple to up the ante – competitors have caught up, and are now taking the lead over the iPhone.

Many an analyst rates the Galaxy S3 over Apple’s iPhone 5 by a small margin. And many more expect Samsung to take a mighty leap ahead when the new Galaxy S4 comes out this spring.

While Consumer Reports doesn’t spell out the reasoning for its numerical ratings (yet), the results are startling and should act as a wake-up call for those in authority at the Cupertino-based tech giant.

The full Consumer Reports rankings and reasoning will appear in the February issue of the magazine.

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