Drunk man tries to burn house, assaults wife

A drunk man from another Gulf country tried to set his own house ablaze in Sharjah and assaulted his wife with a knife when she tried to stop him.

The man, in his 60s, returned home late night and went straight to the housemaid’s room, where he poured petrol on the door and set it on fire.

The maid managed to flee her room while the wife phoned the police and tried to control her husband, who then attacked her with a knife.

Police arrived in time, when the man was assaulting his wife and waving the knife in front of her face, according to local newspapers.

When they tried to arrest him, he resisted them, but they managed to control him and take him to the police station.

Newspapers quoted police as saying the man was under the influence of alcohol and had knives in his pockets.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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