Two cleaners, sentenced to three months in jail for groping a seven-year old boy, had their verdict upheld by the Dubai Court of Appeal. (File)

Two cleaners grope seven-year old boy

Two Filipino cleaners, who were sentenced to three months in jail and ordered to be deported after serving their jail term for groping a seven-year-old Kenyan boy after they dragged him by his leg into their flat and showed him part of a porn film, have had their sentence upheld by the Dubai Court of Appeal.

 According to the records, on March 18, at around 8pm, the boy’s mother, CN, 37, Kenyan, left her flat to look for her son who had not returned home.
“I searched for him down the building in a yard where he used to play with other boys. I did not find him there and other boys told me that he had left. I stayed outside and searched for him everywhere. At around 9.15pm, the maid called and told me that my son had come home. When I rushed up and asked him where he had been, he started crying. Asking him why he is crying, he told me that two Filipinos had taken him into their flat and showed him a film of naked women before they groped his private parts,” the mother told investigators.
The boy AT told investigators that while he was playing outside his house, a group of men came to him and two of them held him and took him to their accommodation where they groped his body and private parts after showing him a porn film. The two men then let him go.
Police arrested AF, 25, and NJ, 21, both cleaners, and confiscated a mobile which had a porn film on it.


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