Saw cash notes stuck in the opening of an ATM machine. (Sabq)

Saudi hunts for man who left cash in ATM

A Saudi man who stopped at a petrol station to fill his car was surprised when he saw cash notes stuck in the opening of an ATM machine.

Instead of putting it in his pocket, he decided to launch a search operation for the client to return the money.

After failing to find the person at the petrol station and nearby areas in the Western Saudi town of Taif, he went straight to the bank which possesses that cash machine.

Yet he could not get any satisfaction.

“I went here and there in hunt for the money owner, but could not find any one. The bank promised to get me the name but said this would take time,” Yousuf Al Malki said, quoted by the Arabic language daily ‘Sabq’.

“Since that person may need the money, I have come to the newspaper to publish the story so that person would see it and come to take the money.”

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