Saudi school girl stabs dad in car

A Saudi school girl waited for her father to give her a lift to school, stepped out of the car and stabbed him in the neck before fleeing into the school building.

The father, in his 50s, was rushed to hospital in the southern Saudi province of Jazan while police women went into the girls’ school and arrested the daughter.

Sabq newspaper said the girl was sitting in the back seat when her father took her to school for mid year examinations.

“When he stopped the car near the school gate, the girl stepped out of the back door, came close to her father and stabbed him in the neck,” the paper said.

It quoted police as saying the girl had been sent to a rehabilitation centre after telling them that she had a motive for attacking her father.

Doctors said the man’s condition was stable after undergoing a surgery. The paper did not mention the girl’s age but said she studies at a secondary school.

(Home page image courtesy Shutterstock)

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