Thief drugs juice to rob pilgrims in Saudi

An Asian man drugged a juice to rob from Muslim pilgrims in Saudi Arabia before he was identified and arrested by the Kingdom’s feared religious police.

Police said some of the victims, mostly Indians, woke up in hospital without ID documents or any other personal items after they were drugged and robbed.

After receiving reports of theft from many pilgrims in the western Saudi town of Makkah, members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice tracked down the thief and arrested him a few days later.

“He confessed to have robbed many pilgrims, using this new technique in stealing,” Sabq Arabic language daily said.

New born found near bin in Saudi

Passers-by stumbled across a newborn boy dumped in a box near a public waste bin in Saudi Arabia and his umbilical cord has not been cut off.

Police went to the area in the western Saudi town of Makkah after receiving a call from a local man saying he was dumping waste in the bin when he found the infant.

“He was crying softly and his umbilical cord was still attached to his body….police took him to hospital and opened an investigation,” Sabq daily said.


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