Video: child cries for his dead camel

A little Saudi boy wept for his dead camel before kissing it goodbye as the animal lay dead after it was killed in a road accident in the Gulf Kingdom.

A YouTube film published in the Saudi daily Sada showed the boy, Sultan, crying as his father tried to console him before taking him back home from the accident site in Northwestern Saudi Arabia.

The film showed Sultan, still crying, goingto his dead camel and putting his hand in its hand before kissing it on the face.

Sada quoted Sultan’s father as saying he had given that camel to his son just after it was born and that the boy has developed a 'strong intimate' relationship with the camel.

He said many camel owners who saw the film contacted him and said they would give his son another camel. “I politely turned down their offer except two, who insisted on giving my son two baby camels,” he said.

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