Boy killed after hanging himself accidentally

A 12-year-old Saudi boy died after his neck was caught in a rope while he was playing at his house in the Gulf Kingdom, newspapers said on Monday.

The boy was playing with the rope as a swing before he climbed a tree near his house in the western town of Makkah and jumped down.

“His neck was caught in the rope…he struggled for a while before dying,” his little brother told police, according to Kabar newspaper.

Judge stops trial of “handcuffed” defendant

A Saudi judge stopped the trial of a man involved in a financial case and threatened not to resume the session unless the man’s handcuffs are removed.

Policemen surrounding the defendant told the judge at the general court in the capital Riyadh that they have orders to handcuff the defendant while in court.

“The judge then told them they either remove the handcuffs or take him back…the judge said there will be no trial if the man remains handcuffed….police men yielded and took the cuffs off,” Sabq daily said.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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