Trends for 2009



Seven Themes

The trends for 2009 have been defined by fashion experts in seven themes: In Love, Blue, Worrying, Carefree, Mon-acal, Turbulent and Green.

According to catwalk watchers, the next year will be a season of bright colours with blue, green and yellow taking centre stage on the catwalk and the high street.

The environment


With the lower wages, failing economies, tight supplies, diminishing resources and rising prices, one of the biggest businesses in 2009 will be “conservation of the environment”, according to the Trends Research Institute. It also says schools teaching conservation and energy-saving skills will attract a large number of students and outlets specialising in products with an “ethical” label will be successful.

The economy

Dollar decline

With demand rapidly increasing for products that reduce fuel and utility bills, there will be an entrepreneurial explosion as inventors try to cash in on the “blue” boom.

The dollar will decline further but the price of gold will break new records. Chinese institutions will undergo a reality check as the country faces the risk of a bubble burst.


Alternative remedies

From vitamins and herbal remedies to yoga and meditation, anything that is deemed naturally healing, is safe and can be self-administered, will continue to thrive. As more product scare continues, consumers will prefer local goods that strengthen community businesses.

Global will surely go local when it comes to products.


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