Beyond business

Name: Nikhil Uzgare

Age: 35

Nationality: Indian

Job: Co-owner and Managing Partner of Hook, Line & Sinker Events

Tell me more about next Friday's upcoming Rock Nation gig. This is the fifth such event where five local rock bands will jam together at Club Touch. We will also host an air guitar championship that is open to all.

We have generated quite a fan following since we are one of the few that provide a platform for local talent to shine. Our Facebook forum even boasts more than 1,000 rock fans – that's saying something.

Is it true that you will also be performing on the night? I'm actually a member of two bands: Point of View and Borrison Ivy. The former has been my baby for three years – a hard rock band that sings about the mechanics of the 'system'. We are even releasing our debut album in two months. Can't say more about that right now.

I also sing with Borrison Ivy, which will perform on the night. These songs have more to do with the day-to-day life – currently, the recession.

Really? Tell us more about that track. Salary Sl** talks about the death of the office job, about how we've become commercialised by the system.

Have you personally been affected by the credit crisis? Well, the bands have. Borrison Ivy's drummer was laid off just last week due to cut backs, and Point of View lost its second guitarist a few months ago for the same reason.

Do your business clients take you seriously knowing you are a rocker by night? Well, I don't go for business meetings in torn jeans! I wear suits by day and my leather jacket by night.

I'm holidaying in…

Goa It is like coming home, and the only place where you can party at one end of the city and find an empty beach to relax on at the other end.

I'm listening to…

1) Judgement Day by White Snake

2) Hysteria by Def Leppard

3) Nice to Know You by Incubus

4) Element of One by Killswitch Engage

5) Take the Power Back by Rage Against The Machine

I'm reading…

Tin Tin Comics I grew up reading them and even now love picking one up after a particularly long day.

It is also a great read when you want to simply unwind on the beach.


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