Kylie Jenner has distance herself from the #Kyliejennerchallenge DIY lip-plumping trend. (Pics: Instagram/Twitter)

Disturbing Kardashian trend injures teens taking Kylie Jenner challenge

Forget Kim, Kendall or Khloe; the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, Kylie Jenner, is hogging all the limelight, of course for the wrong reasons.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashian star's unusually fuller lips have been a subject of debates, discussions and speculations.

But you won't believe why it is trending now.

A new hashtag is challenging teenagers to injure their lips, all in the name of securing the pout of a Kardashian-Jenner.

The Kylie Jenner Challenge sees teenagers put their lips in a shot glass or similarly shaped cup before sucking in.

The demand for Jenner-esque lips has even prompted the launch of suction devices, with names like 'Candy Lipz' and 'Fullips' which can be used instead of a shot glass.

The suction motion pushes the lips hard against the inside of the glass, lightly bursting the blood vessels on and around the lips, causing the area to swell – oh wait, fuller lips.

The trend for fuller lips has picked up pace lately with stars such as Kylie Jenner, who recently revealed it takes 40 minutes to makeover her lips, leading the way with supersized lips.

#Kyliejennerchallenge was a trending topic on Twitter with users taking to social media to show off the results of their attempt to supersize their pout.

Before-and-after videos showing the effects of the devices flooded social media.

While few seemed to have achieved that fuller look, others ended up hurt in more ways than one.

The device does come with some risks; the most common of these is cupping marks/hickeys and even bruising appearing around the lips.

Many teens trying this stunt ended up with swell and bruise around their lips.

Jenner has taken to Twitter to distance herself from the DIY lip-plumping trend.

"I'm not here to try and encourage people/young girls to look like me or to think this is the way they should look," she tweeted.

Kylie Jenner is 17 and over the past year has been criticized for her big lips, which she claims are not artificially enhanced.

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