Super Bowl 50: Miss Universe vs puppets

Carolina Panthers' Ryan Delaire and Bene' Benwikere dance with Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach during Opening Night for the NFL Super Bowl 50 football game Monday. (AP)

Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach poses with Denver Broncos cornerback Kayvon Webster. (AP)

Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach poses for a cell phone photos with Denver Broncos. (AP)

Miss Universe winner Pia Wurtzbach (left) poses with Tenitra Williams during Super Bowl 50 Opening Night. (Reuters)

Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach speaks with Carolina Panthers wide receiver Stephen Hill, left and quarterback Joe Webb during Opening Night. (AP)

Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach is seen during Opening Night for the NFL Super Bowl 50 football game. (AP)

Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach dances with Carolina Panthers players during Opening Night for the NFL Super Bowl 50 football game. (AP)

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