Islamic fashion on Monaco's ramps Models take to the catwalk during the 4th edition of the Islamic Fashion Festival Charity Gala. The size of the Islamic fashion market is estimated to be worth more than $96 billion. (EPA) A model presents a creation by Indonesian designer Ghea Panggabean during the Islamic Fashion Festival in Monte Carlo this week. (REUTERS) A model presents a creation by Palestinian designer Hindi Mahdi during the Islamic Fashion Festival in Monte Carlo this week. (REUTERS) A model presents a creation by Palestinian designer Hindi Mahdi during the Islamic Fashion Festival in Monte Carlo. This recent interest in Muslim fashion signals the changing dynamics of the ever-increasing interaction among Eastern and Western cultures. (REUTERS) A model presents a creation by Cameroun designer Parfait Behen during the Islamic Fashion Festival in Monte Carlo this week. The fourth edition of the event took place in Europe for the first time this year. (REUTERS) A model takes to the catwalk during the fourth edition of the Islamic Fashion Festival Charity Gala at La Salle Des Etoiles Sporting Club in Moncao earlier this week (EPA) Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Whats App Pin Interest