Diet drinks triple the weight gains around the waist across a 10-year period. (AP)

Diet Coke doesn't help, has radical effect on waistline

Have you been picking up diet drinks from the shelves hoping it's better than the normal aerated colas? You have been doing more harm to yourself.

A new study shows Diet Coke and other zero calorie fizzy drinks can actually make you fat. reports that the University of Texas study showed that in over-65s, at least, drinking artificially sweetened fizzy drinks has a radical effect on the waistline.
These drinks would triple the weight gains around the waist across a ten-year period.

A 2014 study published in the journal Nature suggested that diet fizzy drinks could cause weight gain due to artificial sweeteners altering the body's natural gut bacteria.

Previous research shows that in the past 30 years, use of artificial sweeteners and diet fizzy drink intake have increased in our food and drink – but in the same time period, obesity has also increased.

The study focused on 749 adults aged 65 and older – and measured their diet drink consumption, waist size and weight at three follow-up meetings over a decade.

The research found that diet drink users had an increase in waist circumference almost triple that of non-users – and that people who drank artificially sweetened drinks daily fared the worst.

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