
You have hit the pot of gold with the year of the Horse, with the dog being a close companion of its fellow farm family member. The close connection will have you breezing through the next 12 months with Lady Luck on your side and endless possibilities lighting up the way.

Career: According to Chinese elements, the dog is signified as the Earth, which is protected by the fire. This means the horse will support its family by jumping over career hurdles, possibly even helping you etch new tracks and launch your own business.

Frankly, this your time to shine, so don’t let those self doubts hold you back. The stars have aligned to make you the leader of your own career path.

Health: You are riding a success train, so the only thing that may hinder your stellar performance is pushing yourself too much. Slow down a tad and give your body the chance to break free from the fatigue that may come with your career highs.

Focus on your meals, eating at the right time and the right meal that provides the nutrition your body needs to sustain your zest for life.

Love: Be prepared to have your socks knocked off as you fly high on cloud number nine in matters of the heart. Love is out there and just waiting to be found. Don’t hesitate; just seize the day and you won’t be disappointed.

Married people will find more stability and uncover new facets to their relationship that can only propel them to fall deeper in love. Let your hair down for a change and grab your partner for some fun times. You deserve it.

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