What to do in case of…these 5 ‘emergencies’

 First aid ideally starts before a patient arrives at a medical institution and when applied correctly, can change the outcome of the injury significantly. Sometimes, a hospital visit is not required at all if surrounding people would have knowledge about emergency care.

However, in many cases first aid help is not applied due to lack of knowledge. In an effort to educate the public about first aid that can be provided, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) explained what to do in 5 cases that are commonly received at the emergency unit.


The long-term effects of a burn can significantly be diminished by proper first aid care. However, the steps that can be taken depend on the severity of the burn.

In case of a minor burn the best thing to do is make sure the victim is away from the fire or the hot object. Then, the wound should be held under tap water, said Firas Annajjar, consultant at Rashid Hospital’s Trauma and Emergency Centre.

The patient should cover the affected area with mediate temperature water for 15 minutes. These 15 minutes are crucial, said Marwan Ahmad al Zarouni, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Rashid Hospital, earlier.

When the burn is not severe, this treatment should be enough. A mistake that os often made is the appliance of wrongful substances on the wound, pointed Annajjar out.

Ice, tomato paste and tooth paste are some of these substances, and these can only make deteriorate the wound. It is a good idea to keep a simple burn crème which can be obtained from the pharmacy at home.

A hospital visit is required when the burn is more serious. However, keeping the burn under a stream of water is equally important here, and can be done while waiting for the car or ambulance to arrive, advised the doctors.

 Cuts and mild abrasions

As with minor burns, a minor case of cuts or abrasions do not necessarily require a hospital visit. The wound can be addressed with proper emergency care at home.

It is for important for the first-aid provider to use gloves if possible to prevent any transmission of infection, said Dr Haider Kubba, Senior Specialist Registrar at Rashid Hospital’s Trauma and Emergency Centre.

“If there is any active bleeding, apply a sterile dressing over the wound, clean the wound with a wound steriliser (savlon, or diluted betadine which can be bought at a pharmacy) or simply with tap water.”

Also here, wrongful substances are often applied, such as coffee, garlic or other food materials. This should be avoided, said the doctor.

Nose bleeds

Nose bleeds are one of the minor cases that are received by emergency units although care could easily be provided at home.

“It is important to put the patient in a sitting position, let the patient’s head lean forward and pinch the nose for around five minutes while the patient breathes through the mouth,” lectures Micheal Jalal, Specialist Registrar at Rashid Hospitals’ Trauma and Emergency Centre.

An alternative method is the application of ice over the bridge of the nose.

After five minutes, the pressure can be released gradually to see if the bleeding has stopped. If not, a hospital visit is required. While moving to the hospital, the pressure should be continued, explained the doctor.

When nose bleeding happens to a child, first-aid should be applied by a specialist in the hospital, she added. “Children younger than two years generally do not know how to breathe through their mouth and should be taken to the doctor straightaway.”

Sugar rise or drop

Diabetes patients may experience a rise or drop in sugar levels. It is important to know that a low sugar level is more harmful, said Annajar.

A decreased level of consciousness may result in case of a rise or drop in sugar levels. In rder to find out what is the case, sugar levels should be checked.

However, if the equipment to do so are not available, it is advised to give the patient any sugar source. This can be dark chocolate, or a date, elaborates the doctor.

It is important to check whether the patient is able to swallow the food item. If not, the feeding should not be continued and 999 should be called immediately. Meanwhile, the patient should be made to lie down on the right side of the body with the mouth open.

Heart attack

In case of a heart attack, immediate emergency care is required, and the transportation of the patient in an ambulance is significant as it is fully equipped and has medical professionals onboard.

Equally important is recognising the condition as a heart attack, and this is where it often goes wrong, explained Annajar.

“One of the main problems is that heart attacks are sometimes diagnosed as indigestion by the patient and  family members. If the patient has these signs or a previous history of a heart attack, it is important to immediately call the ambulance.”

Symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain, jaw pain, pain radiating to the shoulder, shortness of breath and sweating.

“In case someone around you is having a heart attack it is important to act fast by asking to patient to rest in his/her most comfortable resting position and call 999 immediately. The ambulance team should be asked for advice on what to do further.”

 This should always be in a first aid home kit:

Sterile gauze

Small Band-Aid

Sterile wound solution – like Savlon or diluted betadine( available at pharmacy)

Pair of gloves

Small scissors

Adhesive plaster

Image from shutterstock

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