
Just because this is your year does not give you free rein in 2014. The year of the horse could bring uncertainty to horse people if both continue to clash in a war of egos to gain ground.

Things will be a hit and miss, with a lot of it determined by your actions in the coming months.

Career: Stop being the free roaming stallion on a prairie and channel that inner farm animal to maintain some level of stability in your career. Throwing your head up and galloping into the sunset towards a new pasture could prove detrimental to your future prospects.

Turn that run into a trot, and take practical steps to climb the corporate ladder without compromising on your dreams and passion. Money will come. Just give free rein to the horse power at the right time.

Health: In your race to the finish line, you are in danger of compromising on your health. If you don’t slow down to catch up on that much needed rest, this may backfire and put you to pasture in more ways than one.

Go in for your annual health checkups, even if you find it a waste of time.

Love: There is a prospect out there, but if you are single, then get ready to compete in the love stakes because this won’t come in without a lasso in hand.

If you are in a relationship then make sure you and your partner are on the same page. There is something called too much loving, which may end up hurting you in the long run if you don’t have things clear from the get go. Married couples have a calm year ahead.

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