Ladies stop being so critical - you are more beautiful than you think

Ladies stop being critical about yourself - you are more beautiful than you think.

Just one month after its release last year, Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" has garnered more than 114 million total views, making it the most viral ad video of all time.
The short film used an FBI-trained sketch artist to draw women first based on their own self-perception and then based on that of a stranger.

The stranger's descriptions were regularly more stereotypically attractive and similar to what the subjects actually looked like — hammering in Dove's point that women are often overly critical of their appearances and don't see their true beauty.
In spite of some criticism, the video's self-esteem boosting message clearly resonated with a massive audience.

It was uploaded in 25 different languages to 33 of Dove's YouTube channels and has been viewed in more than 110 countries.

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