Miss World Philippines Megan Young in tears after horrific accident

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In a visit to an orphanage in Port Au Prince, Haiti, Miss World 2013 winner Megan Young and Miss World Chairman Julia Morley fell about 8 to 10 feet when the floor of the temporary building's second story collapsed.

When Miss World Megan Young visited an orphanage housing 78 children in Haiti, the children were in their school class on the second floor of this temporary building.

When they saw Miss World in her crown around 20 children rushed toward her.

As they came forward the floor collapsed. Julia Morley and one of the children, Jonathan, suffered fractures after falling through the floor, landing 8 to 10 feet below, being hit by the debris from above.

Miraculously all the other children and Miss World Megan Young escaped either unhurt or with just cuts and bruises.

The Miss Wold website reported that Young was "able to land on her feet," escaping injury. The site also pointed out she was able to protect her crown despite the shock of the fall, making sure it would not be damaged.

However, Julia was in agony after the fall. X-Rays revealed that Julia had suffered a significant fracture high in her hip area and that Jonathan had suffered a leg fracture.

The doctors repaired Jonathan’s leg fracture but felt that it was too risky to treat Julia's injuries at the local hospital.

It was therefore decided that Julia would be airlifted to Miami to undergo immediate surgery.

Julia was therefore flown overnight by Air Ambulance from Haiti to Miami. She is currently in Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, after surgeons completed a 5 1/2 hour operation to put her hip back together.

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