13 Asians attempt to kill man over a missing dress

Thirteen men attempted to kill a worker and assaulted two brothers over missing laundry, the Dubai Criminal Court heard early week.

The Pakistani brothers had hung laundry in the corridor of their accommodation that they shared with the 13 suspects on September 29, 2015.

When one of the brothers, MQ, 33, went to fetch his clothes, he couldn’t find it and asked one of the men standing in the corridor. The latter allegedly told him that he had thrown his clothes in the washroom.

A heated argument followed between the two. Meanwhile, the other brother joined the argument, and soon a few other men joined as well, resulting in a group fight.

MQ testified in court, “When I did not find my clothes in the corridor, I asked a room-mate who was standing near me, who told me that he had thrown it in the washroom. When I asked him why he did so, he abused me. So I called my brother, MH, who in turn called two of our cousins – MH and SH. While we were arguing, the other men in our room arrived with knives and sticks and assaulted us.”

“MA was stabbed in the belly, thighs and he collapsed on the floor,” he added.

MH also received knife injuries.

Police arrived at the scene and rushed MA to hospital. All present in the room were arrested.

Hospital reports confirm that MA was saved because of quick medical attention that he received.

Prosecutors accused the Pakistani suspects of attempted murder, assault and cursing.

The court will issue the verdict on June 7.

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