44% of Twitter accounts have never tweeted

If your boss is complaining of you tweeting the work day away, then the good news is, you fall in the 56 per cent of Twitter users that actually use their account for the purpose it was set up for.

The rest, well, appear to be facing trouble stringing together 140 characters that comprises a tweet.

According to a recent report by Twopcharts, an independent website that monitors Twitter account activity, a startling 44 per cent of the 982 million users of the micro blogging site have never sent out a tweet from their accounts.

These accounts have been created, but remain dormant, with Twitter revealing its numbers for Q4 2013, which stood at 241 million monthly active users.

An active user is explained by Twitter defines as someone who logs into an account at least once a month but is not required to tweet at all.

The Twopcharts report further stated that 30 per cent of existing Twitter accounts has sent 1-10 tweets, while only 13 per cent of the accounts have sent out at least 100 tweets.

It estimates 542.1 million accounts have sent at least one tweet since they’ve been created, suggesting that more than half of the accounts in existence have actively tried out the service.

But just 23 per cent of those accounts have tweeted sometime in the last 30 days.

Twopcharts also state 47 per cent of total users have submitted a profile image with their accounts. Those who have submitted a description are even fewer, at 24 per cent.

Of Twitter users, singer Katy Perry reigns supreme with 51.8m followers, followed by Canadian singer Justin Bieber at 50.6m followers.

Rounding up the top three is US President Barack Obama at 42.2m followers.

Twopchart further states the average number of followers per existing account is 77, while the average number of tweets sent per existing account is 442.

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