Amazing pictures of aircraft caught against sun, moon

Sebastien Lebrigand is a French photographer who specialises in shooting pictures of aircraft silhouetted against the sun and the moon. Lebrigand’s unique pictorial pursuit on his Canon EOS 60d makes for some stunning pictures

A Fedex Express plane shoot against the moon in Black and White at 11,000 feet. The Airbus A300 B4-622R was flying London to Paris.
Lebrigand refers to this as: “Wow, my best picture!!!!!” and used a refractor 102 /660 mm
Pic credit: Sebastien Lebrigand @ flickr

A BOEING 777  at 30,000 feet photographed with a telescope of 102/660mm.
Pic credit: Sebastien Lebrigand

A moon shot
Pic credit: Sebastien Lebrigand @ flickr

A hang-glider taken against the sun
Pic credit: Sebastien Lebrigand @ flickr

Two pictures capture an Airbus A319 against the full moon and the sun. For this one Lebrigand used a Refractor I-Nova 102/660; exposure of  1/8000 s for SUN and 1/800 s for moon.
Pic credit: Sebastien Lebrigand @ flickr

Sebastien Lebrigand @ flickr

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