
Court splits man from 'haunted' wife

A Dubai court sided with a local husband and split him from his wife without having to pay any compensation just four days after marriage, after it found the woman would not let him sleep with her on the grounds she is gripped by ‘jinn’ (spirits). The husband told the court that a ‘raqi’ (spiritual healer) could not treat the woman because the jinn was “too strong” and that the jinn did not want the wife to sleep with her husband.

The wife claimed she did not let her husband sleep with her because he was after her money, but texts found on her mobile proved the husband was right.

A court had earlier granted a divorce to the husband and ordered him to pay Dh30,000 as a divorce fee, plus a monthly sum of Dh6,000 for housing and Dh2,000 alimony, prompting the husband to appeal the sentence.

Newspapers said the Court of Appeals found that the husband was cheated by his wife for failing to tell him about her problem before their marriage and decided to split the couple depriving the wife of all divorce rights.

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