Dubai Filipino gets free ticket to fly home for mom's funeral

A young Filipino salesman who lost his mother in the recent 7.2 earthquake that hit the Philippines will fly home for her funeral tomorrow after Filipino budget carrier Cebu Pacific, offered the man a free ticket to go home.

Rowell Talinda, a salesman with Eppco petrol station in Dubai lost his mother, Theodora Talinda, 54, after she was buried alive under their house in Toril village, along with a four-year-old orphan girl, adopted by the family.

Rowell did not have enough of money to fly home for the funeral and for close to four days after the news, did his best to raise money, including trying to sell his laptop.

Rowell, who is the sole earner in the family, finally had his prayers answered when Cebu Pacific, reading this report in Emirates 24|7, gave him a free ticket home.

Easwar L A, Sales Manager, Dubai and Northern Emirates, Cebu Pacific, says, “We decided to give Rowell a free return ticket. Cebu Pacific is keen to support the ‘Kabayan’ community here and back home. It is unfortunate that an earthquake caused severe damage in Cebu.” 

“I am thankful to Emirates 24|7 and Cebu Pacific Airlines for helping me.

“Now I hope I don’t have to sell my watch, mobile or laptop to raise money for a ticket. I am saddened by the death of my mother, but equally enthused by the response from the readers of Emirates 24|7 and my Indian and Kabayan friends, who are helping me.” Rowell said.

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