Elimination of terrorism difficult task: paper

The total eliminiation of terrorism is a difficult task because it is associated with despotic regimes that are almost impossible to disappear, a Qatari female columnist has said.

Sheikha Al Marzouki believes that most countries which are fighting terrorism have not tried to identify its “roots and reasons”, adding that this makes their task to wipe out terror “extremely difficult and unfeasible”.

In an article published in the Qatari Arabic language daily ‘Al Raya’, she argues that terrorism is closely associated with tyrants and despotic regimes, which have suppressed their people and locked up politicians and intellects without trial.

“What was the result of these practices. The emergence of radicalism, despair, madness and terrorism.

“For this reason, I am convinced that terrorism is a natural result of suppression by the regimes and the absence of justice,” she says.

“The terrorists spawned by these practices are, however, not the only criminals.

“There are terrorists who are hiding behind the curtain and are disguised in many forms and shapes.

“These are the real criminals because they are making and producing terror. For this reason, I believe that those who think eliminating terrorism is an easy task are mistaken.

“The reasons and factors that created terror will continue to exist for a long time because tyrants and oppressors exist everywhere and at any time.”

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