Losing weight, staying fit and eating healthier happen to be some top New Year resolutions. (SHUTTERSTOCK)

2014 New Year resolutions – kept yours?

As 2015 is only just days away, many of us have started preparing lists.

No, not lists of gifts, but resolutions for the New Year, striving towards being better, healthier, wiser and happier.

But it can be scary when that list is as long as your shopping list.

Problem is another 365 days gone by, and are you looking at the same old story?

Speaking to ‘Emirates 24|7’, Rabab KS said,  “It frustrates me when I know I have another new gym membership that I have only used two or three times in the past year, so I didn’t keep that resolution at all.”

She added, “I’m going to try group classes,  that might work out better for me, and cost less than a gym anyways, I just want to lose weight!”

Losing weight, staying fit and eating healthier all happen to be some of the top New Year resolutions, and one of the most broken ones.

However, there are a number of people who have stuck to their word.

With a high interest in gourmet cuisine, foodie Alwiya AB explained why she felt low.“I wanted to lose 20 kilos, and I’ve kept that, I’ve lost 20 kilos,” she said. She added, “I don’t want to gain it back, so I’m watching what I eat”.

Ending his  junk food habit was deemed a success by Omar AM, except for that one time. “I only broke it once because one night after a long trip all the other restaurants were closed and I was desperate! But, I didn’t enjoy it, I was just very hungry,” explains Omar.

He continued, “So technically, I did keep that resolution, am proud of myself, and this year I’m going to eat less fried food, more fruits and vegetables.”

One down, another one to go for the health-conscious, with fitness high up on the list. “I’ve been diligently eating healthy all year, and I’m going to continue with this moving forward,” said Badriya S.

She added, “For my next resolution, I want to run the marathon, not sure if I’m ready but I’d like to run 10km.”

“Staying fit and healthy, no fast foods, no telling lies, no backbiting (something we do in our daily lives, when we are with colleagues and friends),” explained Said Shakur.

He advised the community to “do something for the needy people, need to focus on more serious stuff, stop living in dreamland -  that’s not only this year’s resolution but that what I want to do in the future, stop living for myself, because in our lives its always us, we , me.”

He continued, “The best joy in life you can ever get is to bring a smile on someone else’s face, it’s easy to live for yourself, try to live for others, trust me your life will change.”

Another life-changing habit is cutting out on major poisons, according to student Gabriel K.

“I’ve started body building, breakdancing, acting, studying business, being more positive, stopping junk food, dramatically cutting salt, sugar, fat and other poisons,” explained Gabriel.

He added, “But the resolutions I didn’t keep were, not second guessing or hesitating, listening to my intuition more, making a billion dollars, owning my own property, completing music scores and getting signed to a publisher.”

Gabriel has his New Year resolutions set.

He continued, “I would like to sky dive, get my splits and backflips back, reach goal two of body building by January, complete my business degree, reach goal one of dancing by January, and most importantly, trusting God in guiding my life to joy, success, prosperity, health, wealth and happiness.”

Not all resolutions have to necessarily be fitness or food related, as Hana MA describes.

“I had a best friend, well supposedly best, but I got deeply hurt in one incident and it left me emotionally scarred for three years,” explained Hana.

She continued, “My bad habit was that I keep reminding myself of that hurtful incident and this person, so my resolution was to completely stop thinking about her and I’ve actually done that so I’m feeling good about it, it wasn’t easy, but I did it.”

A tradition taken as an annual ritual, some individuals don’t necessarily wait for the new year to make their resolutions, as explained by Rajiv Singh.

He jokingly said, “I have daily resolutions and I’ve never broken them, they involve waking up in the morning, and heading to work.”

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