5 signs that you're in a dead-end job, and what to do about it

There’s always light at the end of the tunnel, so goes the saying, but there are times when the tunnel hits the dead end of the road in our career life, and there are no two ways about it.

That’s the time when you ought to open your eyes that it’s a dark, dismal future in the company you work for, and it’s finally time to call it quits.

If you are in a dead-end job, you should look for other options if you want to salvage your career from being ruined any further. But how can one be sure that this job will not, one fine day, turn around and become rosy again?

Consider the following points – if you believe you are faced with even one of the below, it is time to look out. Sadly, if all the below have struck you, it’s perhaps late but again, never too late to get out of a rut to make a fresh beginning.

#1 You’ve been in the same position for five years

Yes, the job market has been bad since 2008 and many people have been made redundant and are still struggling to get a foothold in the market. We all agree and sympathise with those who are faced with difficult times, but having been stuck in the same role for a good five years is also not a happy situation and does not augur well for your career.

Here’s a scenario: Your performance may have been up to the mark and the company may also look healthy with reasonable profit levels, but your status remains unchanged. There are no promotions, no financial incentive and no change in the job profile. That’s a dead end.

The problems compound if you work with a set of people above you who are stuck too. This leaves little scope for you to be promoted as vacancies will not be created. It can be worse if you are one of those who have been singled out whereas others have been promoted.

Try to understand and analyse if these set of circumstances are ever to change and if opportunities will arise. If yes, then try to linger on for a while. If not, then this is your first cue.

#2 Is your company/sector not growing?

To do well on a personal level, you have to be in an industry and a company that is growing. If you are in one that is doing well, you have a decent chance to grow professionally.

If your organisation is expanding, you will have more opportunities coming your way. Be in the know of things. But your tentacles should be up if you are working for a company that has not been growing and there are slim chances that the situation will change. This is your second cue.

# 3 Your company is welcoming outsiders

Your company may be doing well, the sector that you are in is also growing but you are still suffering from stalled or no growth at all. This is another kind of a situation you may find yourself in.

Many employees complain that the company they work for gets professionals from outside on bigger packages and better job profiles and does not encourage internal promotions. You really can’t change the policies of the management, but it is not wise to just sit idle and see these ‘usurpers’ jeopardising your chances. This is your third cue.

#4 You’re leading a semi-retired life

You’ve not been growing for years and this feeling is slowly growing on you. Some call it lethargy, complacent attitude or the belief that it’s a semi-retired life that one believes to be in.

When there is no growth, no challenges and motivation – performance of employees will be on the decline. It’s like getting your body used to only a minimum calorie intake – the incentives are bare minimum and so is the performance.

This could be the last nail in the coffin. If you are a professional and believe you are slowly getting into such a situation, shake it off now and fast enough before it’s too late. This is your fourth cue.

#5 Your employability quotient is very low

If one, two or all of the above situations stare you in the face, the next logical course of action would be to scout for a job. Many people, however, complain they are not getting jobs and believe hiring managers don’t value them or their skills.

You definitely need encouragement here. Look at opportunities around you. There may not be jobs everywhere but companies are hiring. Network, fall back on your alumni circle, family and friends – do everything that can give you a break.

Try to hone your skills that will make you more employable. Get trained, go see a career coach, do all that it takes to increase your employability quotient because this is not a cue but definitely the end.









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