Airshow: Flying displays keep crowds enthralled

The first day of the Dubai Airshow proved to be historic for the aerospace industry with the first aircraft order totaling US$26 billion (Dhs95.4 billion).

With a spectacular opening on day one the exhibition will run until Thursday 17 November 2011 at the Airport Expo Centre. The show has been decked out in the UAE national flag colours to celebrate the nation’s 40th anniversary in two weeks’ time on 2 December.

This year’s Dubai Airshow is the biggest yet, with nearly 55,000 trade visitors expected over the week.

If you are in Dubai you definitely don't want to miss out on the masterful aerobatic displays to the exciting fairground attractions. Spend your week at the largest aerospace and defense event of the UAE.

Here's charting out for you day 2 with the timings and aircraft on flying display:

DAY 2 (14.11.20011)
At 02:15 pm: Al Fursan; 02:37 pm: F 16 UAE AFAD; 02:44 pm: JF 17 Thunder; 02:55 pm: RAFALE; 03:03 pm: Aermacchi M 346; 03:10 pm: C27J Spartan; 03:16 pm: Pilaltus 21; 03:22 pm: Typhoon; 4 pm: Mirage 2000 -9; 04:07 pm: F 15 E; 04:19 pm: MA 600; 04:27 pm: Super Mushshak; 04:33 pm: Karakuram-8; 04:42 pm: F-16; 04:49 pm: Patrouille de France.

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