Expected weather forecast in UAE from Today till Sunday

Expected weather forecast in UAE for the coming days 

WEATHER: Convective clouds with rain with different intensities over scattered areas.
WIND: Moderate to fresh Easterly to Northeasterly winds and strong at times with clouds, with a speed of 15 – 30 reaching 55 km/hr
SEA: Rough in the Arabian gulf and moderate to rough in Oman sea.

WEATHER: Partly cloudy to cloudy at times over the coastal and northern areas during the daytime with a chance of rainfall.
WIND: Light to moderate Northeasterly becoming Northwesterly winds, fresh winds and strong at times, with a speed of 15 – 25 reaching 45 km/hr
SEA: Rough in the Arabian Gulf and moderate to rough by night in Oman sea.

WEATHER: Humid with a probability of mist formation over internal areas - Fair to partly cloudy and cloudy at times over eastern and coastal areas.
WIND: Light to moderate Northwesterly becoming Northeasterly northward winds freshening at times by morning westward, with a speed of 10 – 25 reaching 40 km/hr
SEA: Rough sea by morning westward becoming moderate to slight in the Arabian Gulf and slight in Oman sea.

WEATHER: Humid with a chance of fog and mist formation over internal areas – Fair to partly cloudy – temperature tends to increase slightly.  
WIND: Light to moderate Northwesterly becoming Easterly and Northeasterly winds, with a speed of 10 – 20 reaching 30 km/hr
SEA: Slight in the Arabian gulf and in Oman sea.

WEATHER: Humid with a chance of fog and mist formation over coastal and internal areas – Fair to partly cloudy – increase in temperatures. 
WIND: Light to moderate Southeasterly to Northeasterly winds, with a speed of 10 – 20 reaching 30 km/hr
SEA: Slight in the Arabian gulf and in Oman sea

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