Females live longer than males in Abu Dhabi

The average life expectancy in Abu Dhabi is 77.6 years and female citizens live longer than the male citizens, official figures showed.
According to Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD) data released today, average life expectancy of male citizens was 77.1 years as compared to 78.2 years for females in 2011.

Data also showed that average life expectancy in Al Ain and Al Gharbia region was higher than Abu Dhabi.

“Detailed by region, life expectancy was 77.5 years in Abu Dhabi, 77.9 years in Al Ain and 79.5 years in Al Gharbia region,” the SCAD report said.
As the report further elaborates, life expectancy for citizens was 76.5 years overall, 75.6 years for males and 77.5 years for females, indicating that female citizens are likely to outlive male citizens by approximately two years.

Broken down by region and sex, 2011 deaths statistics reveal that life expectancy in Abu Dhabi region was 77.1 years for males and 76.7 years for females. The corresponding figures for Al Ain region were 77.8 years for males and 79.2 years for females, suggesting that Al Ain residents on average live one year longer than Abu Dhabi residents.

SCAD’s purpose is to produce statistical information that is consistent with the emirate’s orientation towards sustainable development and strategic plans under the supervision and with full support of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. 





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