Flabby skin after weight loss? Body contouring can help

The universal increase in morbid obesity and the associated development of advanced laparoscopic techniques has fuelled a rapid increase in the number of patients in the UAE opting for body contouring procedures.

The enormous health benefits that the post bariatric patients receive come at the cost of redundant, loose, hanging rolls of skin and fat that act as daily reminders of their obese state.

According to the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society, consequently, there are a significant number of patients in the UAE who are losing weight and presenting for body contouring surgeries. And, with the ongoing health awareness campaigns in the country, this number is expected to continue to increase.

Dr B. Venkata Ratnam, Vice President of Emirates Plastic Surgery Society, will be presenting on ‘Approach to massive weight loss patient for body contouring surgery’ at the 6th International Congress in Aesthetics, Anti-Ageing Medicine & Medical Spa (ICAAM) Middle East which takes place on 6-7 December 2013 at the Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa, Dubai, UAE.

“Substantial weight loss patients here in the UAE tend to be between the ages of 30-50 and usually go for the following surgical procedures: resection of redundant skin, fatty rolls and tightening of the skin in the chest, abdomen, back , lower back, arms, thighs and other parts. Both males and females seek surgeries on their breasts as well,” says Dr Ratnam.

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