“Thalassemic patients suffer from excess iron levels due to recurrent blood transfusions. Excessive iron in extreme cases can even result in death,” explains Khawla Belhoul, Director of the Thalassemia Centre.

Free corono pumps for thalassemia patients

Thalassemia patients in Dubai who are unable to afford the corono pumps which are needed to maintain their disease will be handed out the equipment for free.

The Red Crescent Society of Dubai has donated Dh89,000 to the Thalassemia Center in Dubai for the purchase of corono pump machines for distressed Thalassemia patients.

“Thalassemic patients suffer from excess iron levels due to recurrent blood transfusions. Excessive iron can cause several complications such as decline in heart function, liver failure, and failure of other organs. Excessive iron in extreme cases can even result in death,” explained Khawla Belhoul, Director of the Thalassemia Centre.

“Therefore it is important to get rid of iron overload in Thalassemic patients and this is done with the help of a corono pump machine, which is a small device that is battery operated and can be easily used by the patient.”

Thalassemia indicates a shortage in the production of hemoglobin, the main component of red blood cells which is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to various parts of the body.

It is estimated that 12 people in the UAE suffer from Thalassemia, which is inheritable when both parents carry the disease.  However, it is transmitted from from fathers to boys through genetic cells. When a couple carrying thalassemia cells there is a possibility of transmission of about 25%.

Authorities in the UAE are committed to eliminating the dissemination of thalassemia in the country with 50% over the next four years, which is possible when the patient and his family is provided with enough information, guidance and treatment.

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