How to manage high blood pressure during Ramadan

If you are fasting and suffer from high blood pressure these tips are for you. Dr. Georgie Thomas Specialist – Cardiology at Burjeel Hospital in the UAE has some simple yet effective and helpful tips for people who suffer from this particular problem and advises on how to fast during the month of Ramadan.

During Ramadan it is very important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You should stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids from Iftar until Suhoor to prevent complications that may occur.

Reduce salt consumption. A key to healthy eating is choosing foods lower in salt and sodium. The current recommendation is to consume less than 2.3 grams (2,300 milligrams[mg] ) of sodium a day and for someone with high blood pressure, it is advised that they eat less.

Stick to a good diet by controlling the food quality and quantity as well. Research has shown that following a healthy eating plan can both reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and lower an already elevated blood pressure. Also, avoid any food that contains high percentage of fat.

Physical activity is also something not to be over-looed. A while after Iftar, go for a walk (4 km at least), several times a week. Medication during Ramadan:

Most medications prescribed for people with high blood pressure need to be taken once or twice a day. Typically these medications will have a 12 – 16 hour effect. The tablets can be taken at Suhoor, and during the evening at Iftar.

Patients who have tablets prescribed three times daily are likely to have short acting drugs. For these patients, it would be prudent to ask their physicians about the afternoon dose and if it can be adjusted to best help the fasting month. Usually most doctors are more than willing to help with adjustments.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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