Joint visit visa to UK and Ireland launched

A joint visa for short-term visitors to the UK and Ireland has been launched, enabling travellers to enter both countries while applying for one visa.

The joint visa is currently available for Indian and Chinese nationals only, but is expected to be extended to all visa-requiring nationalities.

Currently, a visit to both countries requires the visitor to submit two applications, with two different administrations responding to the request.

Due to the high number of short-term visitors this procedure has proven to be labour-intensive for administrations as well as applicants.

The joint visa scheme was formally launched on October 6, 2014 by UK Home Secretary Theresa May and Irish Minister of Justice and Equality Frances Fritzgerald , and is expected to be in operation by the end of the month.

Beginning next year, the success of the scheme will be analysed and a possible roll out of a similar scheme for all visa-requiring nationals will be considered.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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