Lock your cars to avert burglary: AD police

The Abu Dhabi police have again advised drivers to ensure their vehicles are locked and parked in the right place to avert burglary following an increase in such incidents, newspapers said on Monday.

Cars left open or in a starting mode could either be stolen or tempt thieves to snatch money and other valuables left inside, said Brigadier Maktoum Al Shareefi, director of the Capital police.

His statements followed a surge in reports by car owners in the city that their vehicles have been stolen after they forgot to lock them. Other reports included stealing of money and other belongings left inside the car.

“Drivers should start thinking of taking the necessary measures to protect their cars and belongings…they should make sure the car is properly locked and should not leave any valuables in a place that could be seen by others….the drivers should also park their cars in the right place,” he said.

Shareefi said most car robbery in the capital had been a result of their owners’ failure to take the right protection measures, adding that many stolen vehicles had been left in operation in front of banks and other business centres.

“Some owners of stolen cars said they left their vehicles starting to keep them cool until their return…others parked their cars in the wrong place.”Shareefi gave no figures on car thefts in the city but many vehicles have been a target of such incident over the past few years.

“My car is very old so sometimes I leave the window open, thinking no one will care about scrap,” said Waleed Ghunaim, an Abu Dhabi resident. “I woke up one morning last month and the car just vanished…..police are stilling looking for it.”

Another man said he forgot to lock his vehicle’s window when he parked his car at night near his house on Defence Road in the capital.“The next morning, I found out that my cash card and a broken mobile phone are stolen….I quickly phoned the bank and asked them to cancel the car.”

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