Looking for a job? New interactive platform launched for UAE professionals

UAE-based jobs site Bayt.com has announced the launch of Bayt.com Specialties, a new, socially-enabled platform that reinvents the hiring process and further empowers job seekers and employers across the Middle East and North Africa.

The new move is expected to transform the job portal into an open and socially active platform that brings professionals and employers together in new and innovative ways.

Having a professional online presence is absolutely essential, as 84 per cent of employers take the time to research candidates online before making a final hiring decision. Of these, 57.1 per cent ‘always’ check, and 26.9 per cent ‘frequently’ check.

In a media statement today, the jobs portal said the new platform is likely to bring together professionals in an online environment that empowers them to share their knowledge within their self-specified areas of interest and expertise.

“It presents the opportunity for professionals to expand their circle of connections, while establishing a definitive presence as an expert in their particular field,” the statement said.

According to Bayt, the new platform will allow UAE professionals to demonstrate their skills and knowledge amongst their peers and to potential employers, by contributing to open dialogues related to their specific specialties.

“We are very excited with the launch of Bayt.com Specialties, and with the possibilities it brings to redefine the online recruitment landscape in the region. We are especially excited with the extent and depth of engagement of our users on Bayt.com Specialties during the past controlled invite period,” said Omar Tahboub, VP of Product, Bayt.com.

“The feedback has been very positive and encouraging. The platform has evidently addressed an urgent need by our users to express their skills and expertise beyond the confines of the CV document.”

He continued: “We want to enable professionals to tell the stories that go far beyond a CV, and we want to help employers discover these stories, and learn what these professionals are really all about. Often, the classic markers of competence, such as work history, education, credentials, and the like, are not the only pointers to professional leadership. It is well thought-out, intelligent, original content related to areas of interest and expertise that can make people shine. That’s what Bayt.com Specialties is all about: helping professionals at all career levels and in all industries and roles, highlight their unique abilities and truly shine.”

Bayt.com Specialties completes Bayt.com’s transformation from a closed job portal towards an online platform that enables professionals in the region to explore career opportunities through an open, social, and insightful experience. 

(Home page image courtesy Shutterstock)

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