Medical emergency? Dubai's 'Onak' app will dial '999' for you

Medical emergency care is now literally in your hands as the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services (DCAS) launches two new services that provides immediate paramedic assistance with just a tap on your mobile phone.

While ‘Onak’ links you directly to the operations room without needing to dial '999' and wasting “precious seconds, especially if there’s a language barrier to overcome”, the NFC Medic app and accessories goes a step further and stores your entire medical history for immediate access during emergencies.

Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Essa Mohammad Al Ghaffari, Corporate Support Director, DCAS, explained: “Onak was specifically launched for providing catered paramedic care for people during emergencies. Now, people don’t even have to waste those precious few seconds calling 999, especially when there’s a language barrier to overcome.”

The Onak app, which Al Ghaffari said would specially be useful for the unskilled labour force in Dubai, allows the user to simply tap on an animated image of a man or woman, along with highlighting the specific area where the health problem has arisen.

The app will immediately beam the emergency to the DCAS operations room, along with sending across your GPS coordinates to ensure medical assistance, which is catered towards your specific health issue, arrives on the scene.

Meanwhile, the NFC Medic app utilises the NFC Chip that stores all your medical information for first responders during an emergency.

Ramzi Atriss, CEO and Founder of the app, said: “When saving lives, every precious second counts. With the NFC Medic app, we are now taking critical emergency care a step further and allowing first respondents to have access to all your medical records with just a tap on the mobile phone.

“This can include your name, emergency contact, your blood type, any medical condition or allergies you suffer from and the likes.”

Launched also at the ongoing Gitex Technology Week, the app can be downloaded by Android and BlackBerry users, allowing them to create a medical profile of themselves, which will also include your medical insurance information and the contact details of your preferred doctor if required.

The NFC Chip can be carried on your person as a card or in the form of a fitness watch or a keychain, which will also be enabled to send your GPS Location when required.

Atriss also did not rule out adapting this technology across different government departments, with the possibility of your Emirates ID or your driver’s license being NFC Chip enabled to store your medical records for emergencies.

When quizzed, officials stated the app is currently available for download, while the accessories would be made available across various distribution channels in the next five weeks.

(Home page image courtesy Shutterstock)

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