Middle East jobs alert: Click to know salaries in which sector up by 60% and hiring to increase 40%

There is one industry definitely heading for a jobs boom - the oil and gas sector.

As per a survey released by online portal bayt.com recently, this particular sector is one of the most attractive industries for jobs and as the demand soars so are the salaries going up.

A new survey released by OilCareers.com, The global oil & gas workforce, reveals that expectations for hires and pay rates in the oil and gas industry (H2) 2013 is expected to only go up – with salaries predicted to rise by over 60 per cent this year in comparison with an expected rise of less than 20 per cent in 2010.

Further to this, hiring trends are also predicted to increase by more than 40 per cent suggesting that there has never been a better time to enter the oil and gas industry.

(Read: Dubai best city for oil & gas professionals, find out salaries of top companies)

And, all regions of the world are seeing the same shortage of demand of personnel with companies competing to attract the best talent, leading to a pay surge.

However, certain parts of the world are seeing a huge spike in demand and salaries due to regional circumstances.

“The trend has not been mimicked everywhere, with some areas including the African region, where infrastructure is reported to be more volatile, seeing a 48 per cent decrease in registered candidates with a resultant predicted uplift of over 65 per cent in salaries to help attract talent to the region,” according to the survey.

As many believe, this sector is now not just looking for male jobseekers.

Women increasing

An increasing number of women are taking up jobs and their number is going by substantially.

This trend is being seen globally and latest statistics show that there is a 10 per cent increase in the number of registered women on the site in the past 12 months.

An increasingly number of female candidates are getting into the sector and taking up jobs in administration, commercial/financial/legal, engineering, HR/personnel/training, management, sales and marketing departments.

Statistics suggest that while more women seeking job opportunities in oil and gas, the industry still has a long way to go.

“In line with this need for expertise, it is fantastic to see a rise in registered female candidates, bringing vital skills into the industry at a time where they have never been more in demand.

Another positive trend is that the biggest number of registered female candidates falls in the age group of 23-32-years old, showing that young women are choosing to seek employment in the oil and gas sector.

This is particularly important to allow existing skilled workers to pass on crucial knowledge that may otherwise be lost,” says Mark Guest, Managing Director at OilCareers.com.

“While these are all positive developments for the sector, there is still a lot of work to be done, with just over 20 per cent of women registering for traditionally male dominated roles including diving, drilling and engineering.

“This highlights the need for employers and industry bodies to continue to showcase the immense level of opportunity within the sector to the female population.

“Most importantly, this must be done as early as possible in an individual’s development, with added emphasis being placed on stem subjects such as science and math for school pupils to ensure a constant flow of talent to the oil and gas sector,” he adds.

The global oil & gas workforce survey highlights expectations for hires and pay rates in the oil and gas industry (H2) 2013 covering all seven major oil and gas producing regions – Europe, Middle East, the Former Soviet Union-Caspian (FSU), Africa, Asia-Pacific, Australasia and the Americas.

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