More than one million people have already downloaded the application (SUPPLIED)

Only in Dubai… Rescue police patrol dispatched in 3 seconds

If you didn’t know Dubai Police’s SOS application yet, you should do it now. You never know, when it might save your life.

Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Ahmed Mohammed bin Fahad, System Analysis Project Manager in Dubai Police said that this is a lifesaving application with more than one million people already downloading the application.

“This is a useful application. Through it, we have helped save many lives by reaching out to them at the right time. Public can easily download if from Android or App Store.”

He added that after downloading the application, anyone who is in emergency and need help has to just click on the SOS icon. The system will automatically locate that person’s exact location, and a police patrol will be dispatched to move to that location immediately even before calling that person.

“About three seconds after the click, the person will receive a call from Dubai Police Operation Room to inform him that a police patrol is on the way, and to check what is wrong with him or her.

“Not only that, about few seconds after the first call, the person will receive a second phone call to check if they are alright or not.”

He added that most people cannot give their exact location in emergencies. They panic and are confused. “With this application, the system automatically locates the person. So, he or she can be rescued faster as no time will be wasted in giving directions to the location.”

He pointed out that the service is also available on satellite phones, such as Thuraya phones.

This will allow people who are in places where there are no mobile phone signal such as deserted areas or at sea to call for help.

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