Personal finance: How to gain inner strength while in debt crisis

When faced with a debt crisis, we mostly feel overwhelmed. With the continuous calls, threats, demands and other negative actions we lack strength to handle the crisis.

Someone asked me a few days ago ‘How can I handle this? I am exhausted, I feel drained, I don’t know how to react so I don’t take half the calls most times, I have no more excuses left and simply put, I don’t have the money to meet all of these commitments. I direly need a restructure but nobody is listening, except just continuing to demand more and more…’

What I am about to advise, might not be believed but trust me, when you disengage yourself for a few hours from the negativity, strife and the fear that has engulfed you, then you are removing anymore of ‘more of the same’ from entering into your being. That means that you go and find a quiet place, close your eyes, start doing breathing exercises, take in long deep breaths and listen to your breathing and that is all you need to concentrate on. Even taking a nap is just as effective because it removes you from reality for that time and rests your body and mind. These acts releases all the resistance and fear and brings you back to that place of momentum and feeling who you really are and because you have released that resistance and negativity, you have clarity to think straight.

Who you really are is someone who loves peace, who wants to be unafraid to face the day ahead, who wants to feel people being kind to them, who needs to have some form of love, care and affection shown to them, whether at work or in the home because that is our natural state. How do I know this? Look at the playfulness, the not-a-care-in-the-world attitude of little children.

This is what we are meant to be and if you can go ‘to that place’, even for 20minutes every single day, you will start feeling better, more controlled with the will to answer the calls, maybe visit your creditors to present your matter and to try and secure an approval for a restructure, or a longer period of repayment.

The key here is when you are in that natural state; you attract better things to you, nicer people, people who will reach out and give you a compliment, a creditor may just approve your request and most of the time when you see things changing because of your 20 minutes daily commitment, then you start thinking differently, you are more open to receiving and that is the turning point and how we continue to build and gain more inner strength as we progress on life’s path.

We are all humans, built with the same composition and so we react to the same attitudes of people in the same way, and if you look around you at someone who is stressed due to debt, when they get another debt call, they either breakdown or freak out in a bad way. If you think about it, you would react no differently for the same reason.

If you can only remember that your health and well-being is more important to you first, than anyone else. If you are a provider for your family, or even for yourself and you are alone, then you are important to you, first, because if you are not in a good state of mind, you cannot be a support to yourself or to anyone else and that is just a fact of life.

And guess what? Only you are to blame for this state you find yourself in. If you don’t want to try to do something differently, experiment and see if it works because at the end, you don’t have anything to lose, except you can only gain.

Nobody that projects huge inner strength today just got lucky! It could have been achieved by many trials and errors, abysmal failures, lessons learnt and then they finally decided to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over again.

The most important point that you need to remember when you are trying to find that strength is that you are not alone, you were never alone because there are many people like you, going through the same experiences, but like you, they too think they are alone. The reason is that people are pretentious because of avoiding embarrassment; they shield themselves with many facades to hide their real state away from others and so they continue to weaken themselves. They are not harming anyone else, but themselves because when you just consume and absorb so much negativity in a day, in many days, many months, many years, somehow that must emerge in the form of illness or something not related to well-being.

Every single one of us have our own unique strengths that is meant to serve us, whether you are a waiter, cashier, CEO, or entrepreneur, we are built to serve ourselves and so we can find that source of inner strength if we put our minds to it. At the end, we all die and end up in the same place so why should we think we cannot be as strong as anyone else, because maybe we think ‘oh he is wealthy, he has successful companies, he has everything he desires and no problems’. Don’t you believe any truth of it, because having money or materialism does not make anyone immune to problems or negativity, because it is just a different type, on a different, maybe larger scale, but the fundamentals are the same.

So the synopsis is you can find your inner strength, build on what you have and be just as strong to face your adverse situations like anyone else. The important point is to focus on you and never lose focus that we need great strength to achieve our dreams, the things we think about achieving, the obstacles we need to overcome and the many situations we face in our lives.

So if anyone can do it, so can you. Don’t live your life with excuses, be a pioneer for yourself!

[Note 1:  Theda Muller is a UAE-based author of two books: Embrace Financial Freedom Volume One: 10 Proven Ways To Release Debt And Emotional Fears In Today’s Economy, and Volume Two: Releasing Fear And Bouncing Back From A Debt Crisis.
She also conducts webinars and workshops on debt recovery.]

[Note 2: The views expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect in any way, the views of Emirates 24|7. Readers are advised to carry out their own due diligence before taking any decision.]

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