UAE rejects night-shift bid by nurseries

Nurseries in the UAE have sought to extend their daytime work into night at the request of some families, but authorities have rejected their bid on the grounds children must not be away from their families for a long time.

The Ministry of Social Affairs said it had received applications from many nurseries across the UAE asking to allow them to work at night, but that it has turned down all those applications and decided to permit them to work for limited evening hours.

“The Ministry has rejected all those applications and informed the nurseries they can work for a limited period of time in the evening not exceeding 6.00 pm,” said Mouza Al Shoumi, Director, Child Care Division at the Ministry.

“We have decided that the nursery must not be an alternative to the family for children and that mothers and families must shoulder their natural responsibility. Children in this age must not stay away from their mothers for more than eight hours a day.”

Quoted by Dubai-based Arabic language daily Emarat Al Youm, she said the Ministry decided to allow nurseries to extend work to 6.00 pm “in consideration of the conditions of the mothers who work night shifts at companies.”

She stressed that nurseries must not exceed the defined day work fees or take children above the permitted age.

“Any nursery which violates all these conditions will be banned from working in the evening.

“We have also made clear that all nurseries should have a weekly holiday on Friday and Saturday and should not close on other days.”

(Home page image courtesy Shutterstock)


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