Video: Black, smoky cloud in Dubai sky?

Residents and commuters this morning are puzzled by a thin black cloud of what seems like smoke in the Dubai sky, but no one seems to be sure about what it is.

“It looks like early morning mist but the fact that it’s so black seems a little odd to me,” said one resident.

The thin plume was especially visible during the early morning hours when conditions are ideal for the observation of smoke and haze (strong forward scattering of solar radiation).

Another resident said she thought it was another fire and so scanned her social media feeds and news websites, but was relieved to find no such news.

A resident has sent in a couple of videos of the morning sky that shows a thin layer of black smoke in a rather big area of the sky.

What do you think it is? Let us know in comments below. And so send in your images and videos of today’s Dubai sky at


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