Five men remanded for raping minor girl

Five men have been remanded under the order of Anuradhapura Additional Magistrate Mrs Nadeeka D Piyaratne for allegedly raping a minor girl repeatedly.

The five men, arrested by the Medawachchiya police (Sri Lanka), include an assistant manager of a state bank and a former driver of a cabinet minister.

They will be in police custody till June 17 for raping the 15-year-old girl for a long period, ‘Lankadeepa’ reported.

The acting magistrate ordered the police to continue the investigations and submit a report at the next trial date.

He also ordered to put the girl under protective custody and ordered the Anuradhapura Senior Probation Officer K. K. Keerthiratne to provide her with maximum security and to improve her physical and mental strength.

The five suspects remanded were the assistant bank manager Sugathapalage Kularatne, cabinet minister’s former driver Wanniarachchige Lesley Shakespear, businessman Dhanushka Perera, Mudaliyage Sampath Wijesignhe and Wijayamuni Chandana Seneviratne, all from Medawachchiya and surrounding areas.

Fifth suspect has been accused of selling the girl to other suspects.

The accused have been raping the girl on many occasions at a hotel and their houses, the police revealed after initial investigations.

Police said that they hope to apprehend the hotel manager and produce him before the courts as a suspect after being questioned.

Medawachchiya police are conducting further investigations.

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