Kitchen sinks and surfaces have more germs in normal household than toilets (File)

Flu season in UAE: 5 steps to protect kids

The flu season is back again in the UAE and the youngest in your family will perhaps be the first ones to succumb to the virus. Children are usually the first ones to go down with flu due to low immunity levels and it’s something that you can’t totally avoid.

However, with a few simple steps you can minimise spreading the virus and with these tips many kids may dodge the bug this season.
According to Dr. Hala Fikri Mohammed El-Hagrasi, Consultant, Pediatrics at Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, five simple steps can help protect your child from the flu bug or influenza.
1# The shot
First and foremost is the flu vaccine. Dr. Fikri believes that the flu vaccine is a good way of ensuring your child is protected from the seasonal aliment.
Many parents complain that despite the shot their kids still fall sick.
That may be true but one should remember that with the vaccine there will be less bouts of flu and it will be less severe for the kids.
Research from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention shows the vaccine is 62 per cent effective as it reduces the illness span so it is recommended that kids get their shots with doctor’s prescription.
2# Social Etiquette
Dr. Fikri strongly recommends observing social etiquettes when you are with others. Prevention is better than cure and many kids can avoid falling sick if the virus is not allowed to spread.
“One sneeze and cough is enough to spread bacteria and viruses up to six feet,” warns the doctor. “Instill social etiquette practices in children – basic habits like covering their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, throwing away used tissue immediately and washing hands regularly,” are some of them that she says should be taught at a young age.
“Teach your child to wash their hands for 20 seconds or for as long as it takes to sing happy birthday or their favourite nursery rhyme,” she adds.
3# Quarantine
Even though flu is not a deadly disease it’s advisable to keep your child at home if s/he shows symptoms of flu.
Most schools in the UAE regularly mention in newsletters to keep the sniffing kids home to avoid spreading the virus.
And, Dr. Fikri agrees. “We don’t mean locking up your child in isolation but is s/he shows symptoms like a persistent cough, sore throat or fever, keep her/him at home.

“Wait at least 24 to 48 hours till the symptoms improve to consider sending children back to school. This helps in the management of symptoms and also to prevent other kids catching the same bug.”
4# Cleanliness
It is very difficult for the virus to spread in a clean environment. The flu bug can live up to at least eight hours on surfaces. This includes kitchen tops, toys, dining tables, phones and TV or game remote control. Wash these with soap and warm water regularly or wipe with a disinfectant daily.
5# Boost your child’s immunity levels
One of the main reasons why kids are susceptible to all kids of infections is due to their low immunity levels.
To build up the immune system, it is advised that parents ensure a healthy die for their kids.
“Vegetables and fruits are loaded with nutrients that helps fight disease. Include calcium food sources like milk and cheese daily,” says the doctor.

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