We want to bring smart services to where customer is: Mohammed

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has attended a brainstorming session attended by 100 deputies, Directors-General and officials of smart government services, to discuss the most important ideas for the development of smart government services and its infrastructure as well as to promote its usage and enhance the quality of its applications.

Speaking at the session, Sheikh Mohammed said, "Our ambition in the short term is to link smart services federally and locally and to provide a single-window system to the customer wherever he is and whatever the service is, as the customer is looking to us as one state and one integrated work environment."

Sheikh Mohammed added that there is a need to review some legislation and government measures to facilitate the work of smart government and raise the efficiency of its services, saying that the next phase requires a comprehensive review, and continuous evaluation and classification of the services quality.

During his participation in the meeting, which was attended by Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gargawi, Minister for Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Smart Government, Sheikh Mohammed said that the smart employee is the source for providing smart service and customers need a lot of service channels to suit their different circumstances.

The session was attended by Khalifa Saeed Suleiman, Director-General of the Department of Protocol and Hospitality in Dubai, Ohood Al Roumi, Director-General, Office of the Prime Minister, Hamad Obaid Al Mansouri, Director-General of UAE Smart Government, and Hessa Essa Buhumaid, Executive Director - Government Services Sector - Prime Ministers Office, along with a number of officials and dignitaries.

Insurance law implementation extended in DHC

In his capacity as the Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, has issued Resolution No (8) of 2015, extending the implementation of Dubai’s Health Insurance Law on healthcare service providers licensed within Dubai Healthcare City.

The resolution aims to define Dubai Healthcare City Authority as the government entity responsible for the implementation of Law No (11) of 2013 pertaining to health insurance on the healthcare facilities registered in Dubai Healthcare City.

Pursuant to the new resolution, Dubai Healthcare City Authority is solely authorised to implement the Health Insurance Law on healthcare service providers in Dubai Healthcare City, and further the authority is competent to license service providers to provide healthcare services to beneficiaries of health insurance, approving prices for healthcare services and monitor their adherence to the approved prices.

The resolution also authorises Dubai Healthcare City Authority to oversight commitment of service providers to the Procedural Notice issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Law (No 11 of 2013) and other pertaining resolutions. Dubai Healthcare City authority may also enforce penalties prescribed by law on violators, receive and investigate complaints and take the required procedures on the lodged complaints.

Employees of Dubai Healthcare City Authority appointed by a resolution from the Chairman of Dubai Healthcare City Authority, or by whomever the Chairman may delegate, enjoy the powers of judicial officers in implicating any violations against the articles of Law No (11) of 2013.

The Chairman of Dubai Healthcare City Authority may issue any resolutions required to assure accurate implementation of this resolution.

This resolution is valid from the date of issuance and to be published in the Official Gazette.


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