The pieces, which include lithographs, portraits, a watercolor and sketches, were created between 1900 and 1932. (Reuters)

Picasso's ex-electrician on trial over cache

A retired electrician and his wife who once worked for Pablo Picasso are on trial beginning Tuesday over a cache of 271 creations they say were a gift from the artist.

Pierre Le Guennec and his wife say Picasso's second wife gave them a trunk full of art that they kept virtually untouched in a garage until they decided to put their affairs in order for their children in 2010. The Picasso estate describes that account as ridiculous and filed a suit for illegal possession of the works.

The pieces, which include lithographs, portraits, a watercolor and sketches, were created between 1900 and 1932.

Le Guennec claims to have worked at three of Picasso's properties in southern France, and had installed a security alarm at one of the homes.


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