12 Saudi teachers sacked by private school

A private school in Saudi Arabia sacked 12 national teachers at the same time, triggering a probe by education authorities in the Gulf Kingdom.

The school in the western Red Sea port of Rabigh has not given a reason for the sacking but officials said they have set up a panel to investigate the move.

“We will support those teachers in case they are right in their complaint,” said Saleh al Hassawi, head of the education department in Rabigh.

In a report on Monday, Sabq newspaper quoted the teachers as accusing the school’s Jordanian manager of being behind the sacking with the aim of hiring expatriate teachers. It said the school owner had been summoned by education authorities to discuss the problem on Tuesday.

The sacking of the 12 teachers coincides with a new government drive to force the private sector to hire more Saudis.

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