Sleep with me or I'll kill myself, dad tells daughter

In a shocking case of incest and blackmail, Mumbai tabloid Mid-Day has reported that the city police have arrested a man who coerced his daughter into sleeping with him with the threat that if she did not, he would commit suicide.

According to the report , the 45-year-old man repeatedly raped his 15-year-old daughter use the suicide threat.

The victim is from a first marriage the man had.

Businessman uses Facebook to lure housewife into sex and blackmail trap

In a case that has shocked the city of Mumbai, Mid-Day reports that a garment merchant is accused of befriending a housewife on Facebook and then trapping her in a lurid affair of sex and blackmail.

According to the report , after the two became on Facebook six months ago, they decided to meet at a hotel.

The victim says that the accused raped her at that meeting and took pictures of them in a compromising position, which he then use to blackmail her for money.

When the accused started harassing her for more money, she went to the police.


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