Fan of Facebook founder hit with restraining order

Facebook on Tuesday confirmed that an unwanted fan of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking giant, had been hit with a restraining order.

Zuckerberg took his concern to a California court which last week ordered 31- year-old Pradeep Manukonda to stay away from Zuckerberg as well as his sister, Randi, and his girlfriend, Priscilla Chan.

Facebook declined to discuss details of the situation other that to confirm that Zuckerberg had obtained a restraining order from a judge pending a court hearing later this month.

Zuckerberg was reportedly disturbed by relentless efforts by Manukonda to find him at work or at home, or reach him with messages despite being told to leave Zuckerberg alone.

Manukonda was evidently on a quest to ask for money for his family and even sent Zuckerberg flowers with a hand-written letter, according to celebrity news website, which initially reported on the story.

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